About FC Nordhavn

FC Nordhavn is an innovative and modern football club that was founded at the end of April 2017 with the aim of creating a sporting meeting point for Nordhavn's current and future residents and future as well as promoting sporting activities in Copenhagen's new district, Nordhavn.

In addition, FC Nordhavn is an international club that dares to dream big, and although FC Nordhavn still plays at an amateur level, the club has big goals for elite football in Nordhavn with many youth teams, where Nordhavn's children can play football in beautiful surroundings and close to their homes.


In the 2024/2025, FC Nordhavn have following teams playing in DBU's official tournaments. 

Men's 1st team in DBU Copenhagen Serie 2


The Main Board

The main board is the association's day-to-day management and represents the association in all matters. The board can set up necessary committees to carry out ongoing or individual tasks. The decisions adopted and actions taken bind the association in accordance with the articles of association. The main board consists of a chairman, a vice-chairman, a cashier, and two board members, who respectively is sponsor responsible and event responsible. On the right are the main board's five board members.


Tobias Schiermacher


+45 27 51 14 17



Max Ladegaard



Markus Rygaard


+45 30 33 94 24


General Board Member

Oliver K. Strunck



Football Club Nordhavn
Sandkaj 30, 2150 Nordhavn

Phone: +45 27 51 14 17
E-mail: kontakt@fcnordhavn.dk
CVR-nr.: 38573098